Thought Lab


The Archibald Prize: An art show for all. 

As you may know, the finalists for the Archibald Prize were announced last week. the news is practically unavoidable. From the local papers, to commuters en route to work, to footy fans walking to the game in droves, the 2019 finalists and predicted favourites for the win are not only a common topic, but a point of enthusiasm and excitement. We are certainly excited to see how an art prize in Sydney seems to so easily pervade the diversity of Australian consciousness. 

The prize was first awarded in 1921 to foster portraiture in Australian art and to celebrate and commemorate great Australians. So it is an exhibition by our own, and about our own. Perhaps that is why it is so willingly accepted as a noteworthy event on the Australian calender, with attendance at the Art Gallery of New South Wales and the proceeding national tour, by school groups, families, and locals of every background alike, because it is essentially our show, about us. 

The Archibald, Wynne and Sulman Prizes will be open to the public from Saturday 11thMay.

Further detail:

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